Visit Peter’s garden

Looking for the house number of Peter’s house I spotted a front garden with a young wisteria at the front and thought that will be it and was right.   As we went through the house we went into a splendid large kitchen and dining area with bifold doors which open out on to a broad terrace from which there is the garden.

He has only lived there for 18 months, and it was the previous owner who was responsible for the alterations to the house and the garden.   He has not done anything and does not intend to change the garden, but leave it as left by the previous owner, although happy to care for it.  (the wisteria was a false clue!)

The house is a 1930’s very solidly built semi and therefore, has a generous sized garden with a large lawn and herbaceous borders giving the sense of a lovely, welcoming open space. 

Now, this is where the idea for Friends visiting each other’s gardens comes from, it’s not about how perfect they are, but about how we can help each other with advice and ideas on gardening matters.   Judith, who was with me, has lots of pots.  Peter wanted advice on what would be the best to grow in pots to fill his terrace, and so he can now visit Judith for her advice.

Elizabeth Bacon

Peter will be happy to see you offering Monday 17th June and Monday 1st July.   

Contact details   01509 212466 E Mail